Benefactor level Mint

VIP Access Sale open only to mint pass holders

$60 each payable with credit card or ETH

Using your mint pass makes them only $35!

There will only be 400 available, so the first to use their mint passes will receive them

Remaining NFT’s will be released to the public at a later date if they are not all sold during VIP Access

The NFT Reveal for all holders is 72 hours after the completion of the Public Sale

For the Benefactor

  • One NFT of rare or legendary rarity

  • They grant Community Access with the Benefactor role

  • Every Benefactor will receive their own Goddess Box or Not So Quiet Cup Set

For the Community

  • one Goddess Box and one Menstrual Cup Set will be provided to people whose school or organization registers to receive products

  • access to the read-only resources of our online community for the recipient

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Last updated